ESG data solutions for tenants
Set sustainability targets, reduce your carbon footprint, and power disclosure
ESG solution points
What Measurabl solves for tenants
There are plenty of hurdles to running a sustainability program – and a lot involves the intricacies of owning and leasing real estate. Measurabl makes measuring, managing, disclosing and acting upon ESG real estate data simple, time-saving, and powerful.
Measurabl is like a secret weapon for the sustainability manager.
Patrick Flynn
SVP Global Head of Sustainability at Salesforce
increase brand value
Power corporate sustainability reports with nonfinancial data
The right nonfinancial data can significantly influence market perceptions, boost public goodwill and increase total brand valuation. With Measurabl’s enterprise-level ESG data management capabilities, you can collect, track, and supply quantitative and qualitative sustainability data that stakeholders can use to best convey your brand story to shareholders and the market at large.
LEED and BREEAM Certification Detection
Advanced geolocation automatically pulls in your existing building certifications.
Sustainability Project Creation and Tracking
Easily create and track a range of energy efficiency and/or health and wellness projects.
Project Reporting Across Building Portfolios
Compile reports that categorize and summarize sustainability projects for all of your assets.
CDP Disclosure and Custom Data Exports
Provide high quality ESG reports to brand stewards, investor relations, and other key stakeholders.
enterprise level ESG
Important features for tenants
Connect your people and locations globally to a single source of ESG truth. From there, track progress toward targets and report your results out to global ESG frameworks such as GRESB and CDP.
How VMWare leverages Measurabl to track sustainability projects across their enterprise
measurabl in action
Explore our success stories
City of San Diego
The City of San Diego relies on Measurabl to track the sustainability performance of its 2030 District and thereby help drive its energy and emissions reduction efforts.
Measurabl has supplied automated utility data transfer and a central place for project metrics to track sustainability data at Salesforce Tower.
VMware deploys Measurabl as its single source of ESG truth for tracking built environment sustainability projects across locations around the world.