Small mistakes on your report can have a big impact on your score, and your appeal to investors. Keep your GRESB reporting accurate by avoiding these 5 common mistakes.
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1. Don’t report Triple Net leased assets always as “indirectly managed.”
If an asset is multi-tenant or Triple Net, that’s not enough to label it indirectly managed.
Measurabl automatically distinguishes directly from indirectly managed assets based on collected data and user-provided information.
2. Don’t use GRESB’s Energy Star Converter without fact-checking.
The EPA-to-GRESB Converter requires 32 steps, be ready to focus on the details of your data. For example, the Converter will drop buildings with less than 12 months of data, requiring you to re-enter those by hand.
Measurabl offers a suite of meter-level editing tools so you can make precise edits to your buildings.
3. Don’t report mixed-use properties under only one use.
If one of your buildings is split into office and retail space, GRESB requires you to separate the meters serving each of the two components by editing and aggregating meter-level data by floor space.
Measurabl automatically detects and allocates mixed-use buildings, giving you meter-level controls to perfect your floor space allocations.
4. Don’t leave buildings out of your report just because you don’t have data.
GRESB requests that you include all assets in your portfolio. It’s better to submit the data you do have than to submit none at all.
Measurabl automatically captures data from your utility company and collects historical data to help you backfill your report.
5. Don’t claim actions implemented in Q1 of the current year.
GRESB always looks one year back. The 2016 Survey covers the period from 2014-2015, so any changes implemented in Q1 of 2016 are not applicable.
Measurabl helps you continuously improve your social and governance programs with regular auditing and recommendations.