ESG data visualized for more insight –
In the world of ESG, there is a need for proof. Proof of effort, proof of efficacy, and – most importantly – proof of progress. With Targets, Measurabl users can now set both broad and granular sustainability goals and track progress toward them year over year.

Why we built Targets
At Measurabl, we value our users’ needs. So when our customers showed increasing interest in target-based initiatives such as 2030 Districts, Better Buildings Challenge and Local Law 97, we knew it was the right time to build Targets into our software.
We worked closely with one of our Product Advisory Councils – a small group of customers actively interested in sharing their needs and feedback – to determine what Targets would look like within Measurabl.
Targets flexible enough for multiple use cases
We’ve incorporated a flexible feature set into Targets to satisfy robust customer requests.
Setting a productive sustainability goal can require nuance. Some customers have been monitoring their ESG data for years and compare current activity to a benchmark. Others have set goals based on reduction percentages. And some manage large portfolios with different use cases for each fund. That’s why Measurabl now offers users the ability to filter their absolute, intensity, or like-for-like targets.
Targets can help address a wide variety of data completeness issues. For instance, if you own a building that was under renovation for several months, you would no longer need don’t have to compare the performance of that building to another that was operational the entire year.
Users also need the power to contribute to the goals of their organization while setting targets of their own. Targets provides the power to visualize success on a macro and micro level by setting goals on both a portfolio and subgroup level.
Because goals don’t end with data collection
At Measurabl, we think full cycle. We don’t just help you measure your ESG initiatives; we also empower you to manage and act on your sustainability data.
When we introduced Targets, we wanted to provide the functionality to help users visualize their goals. Now we also want to empower users to identify goal options. This means that users will soon be able to identify top and bottom performers and see the impact of weather on their energy usage to better understand where they can focus their sustainability efforts.
Stay tuned. We believe Measurabl’s Targets functionality will continue to grow in ways that can help your organization set new kinds of sustainability goals and outcomes. As long as you are up to the challenge, so are we.