After all of the changes that the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) made to its report last year, the 2017 report has only a few minor changes. Let’s dive in so you can get this report done faster.
2017 CDP Survey Changes
1. CC2.2a: Response structure has been updated. In addition, companies are asked how the Paris Agreement has influenced their business strategy.
2. CC14.4b: Question has been changed to a table and asks for additional questions. The new table logic allows a company to disclose what type of engagement they are using with their suppliers, the number of suppliers, the proportion of spend, and the impact of that engagement.
3. CC14.4c has been deleted.
Measurabl users now have NCMR (new construction and major renovation) buildings in both CDP and GRESB surveys this year. Users can enter those NCMR buildings into their portfolio, just like Operational buildings, and Measurabl’s system will automatically assign data for the buildings to the appropriate survey questions.
In Case You Missed 2016 CDP Changes…
In the 2016 report, CDP introduced major changes to both its methodology and its business model that forced a number of new questions and structure to its report. The new “market-based” accounting methodology in the 2016 CDP Survey offered new requirements, such as this dual reporting structure:
“The GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance introduces “dual reporting” duties for companies that operate in markets where contractual instruments are available. These companies will now have to report Scope 2 figures in two ways and label each result according to the method: one based on the location-based method (reflecting grid emissions factors), and one based on the market-based method (using emissions factors from contractual instruments).”
This means you will have to report your emissions twice: once on the utility grid source, and again on the underlying utility contract.
Missed this change? Catch up on all the 2016 CDP Survey changes.
Still need help figuring out what you need in 2017? Our Customer Success team is here to help.