Our Chief Data Scientist, Scott Knox, takes your questions on our new Measurabl Sustainability Rating for buildings. Enjoy!
How is my Measurabl Sustainability Rating calculated?
Measurabl compares your building against a peer group derived from five characteristics: (1) use type(s), (2) location, (3) weather, (4) size, and (5) year built. The Measurabl Sustainability Rating (MSR) represents the percentage of peers your building outperforms. For example, a building with a rating of “75” is more efficient than 75% of buildings like it – that is, in the top 25%.
Update 9/1/17
The total MSR is calculated using a weighted utility break out that is allocated as follows:
- 54% of the rating comes from electric, fuel, and district consumption. These are all energy factors that may not be applicable to every building, depending on the geographic location of the site.
- 29% comes from carbon emissions; this is influenced by energy consumption as well as energy generation source (e.g. traditional vs. renewable).
- 17% comes from water consumption.
Are all buildings RAtED?
No. Here’s some reasons why your building may not have a MSR:
– Not Enough Data: 12 months of consecutive utility data is required.
– Undefined Building Type: If we can’t say for sure what use(s) occur within the building, we won’t rate it. Since use drives so many factors related to utility consumption, we need that information to accurately benchmark your building.
– Too Small: Buildings and subspaces less than 100 square feet are not benchmarked. Neither Measurabl nor its users are in the closet business!
Why does my MSR differ from my ENERGY STAR score?
Measurabl and Energy Star use different databases. ENERGY STAR uses the Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS) 2004 data that pulls from a representative sampling of commercial real estate in the US. However, Measurabl uses its own database comprised of 4.4BN square feet of real estate in 67 countries to create its benchmark. Our database is dynamic and highly granular; your benchmark is based on all of the buildings within the database as opposed to a sampling of building performance that is then extrapolated. Despite the differences, it’s likely the benchmarks are similar since MSR and ENERGY STAR score are positively correlated.
Need more? Here’s our analysis explaining why the benchmarks are different.
Why did my MSR change?
Your MSR may fluctuate as we learn more about your building performance over time, and as new peer buildings join our database. With more data from you and your peers, we’re able to accurately compare your building’s performance as it changes in absolute terms (e.g. your building’s consumption), and relative to others.
How often can my MSR change?
Our database is updated daily so your MSR can change just as quickly. Your rating represents your true performance at that moment in time.
Can I see my building’s historical performance?
Yes, historical performance is visible on your Trends page. Just add “Peer Benchmark” from the options in the drop down.
Can I get a portfolio level MSR?
Yes, you can! This launched in Q3 of 2017. Read our blog on the portfolio-level MSR.
What does this MSR do for me?
Use your MSR to prove sustainability performance to prospective buyers or tenants. Sort buildings based on their individual performance to identify high and low performers. Use our analytics to understand what’s driving building performance and take necessary action to improve. Your rating has many uses. Contact Measurabl Customer Success if you’d like help understanding or applying your MSR!